Hey, I'm Jes. I've been wanting to start a blog for quite some time, just haven't had much free time or motivation. I'm getting my Master's in Public History (museums, archives & such) while also working 40-hours a week, so I've been a slave to papers this past semester. I have to say, it's definitely refreshing to begin something such as this. Who knows where it will go?
I'm also a vegan, which always makes for interesting conversation. I was asked to explain it today at work, but the person asking was just curious. I'm all for curiosity! I've accumulated a pretty sizable amount of vegan recipe resources in the almost six months since I went vegan. So I am willing to try out new recipes as I come across them, and it keeps it interesting. I'll try to post something at least once a week, depending on my workload.
And I happen to love "Your mom" jokes, no matter how absurd they become. Seriously. I once said "Your mom something or other..." to my fiance in our car, with his mom sitting in the backseat. As I was trying to find a name for my new blog, Philip (my fiance) suggested this one, and I LOOOOOOVED it.
Jes, you do totally rock! :)