Friday, November 18, 2011

Flashback Friday!

Taking a cue from Sayward over at Bonzai Aphrodite (love that site), here's a Flashback Friday for you!

Since we'll be heading down to SE Kansas next week for the Thanksgiving celebration with The Hubs' family, I figured I would share some photos from previous times with them.

{cousin's 2007 wedding, my first time meeting The Hubs' extended fam!}

{2007 wedding reception: The Hubs, niece, and my father-in-law}

{he has a way with kids...trying to talk a cranky niece down}

{2008 trip}


PS--Our book comes out on November 28th! And we are scheduled for our first book signing on Wednesday, November 30th at Watermark Books (Douglas & Oliver in Wichita), 7:00pm! Breathe...breathe...breathe...

{Check it, yo!}


  1. A book signing -- that's all, like, real and stuff! How very, very awesome!!! Congrats. And those pics are priceless. :)

  2. I love the zoo pic. Seems like yesterday! Holy bovine.
