Monday, September 16, 2013

Vegan MoFo, Day 16: Anatomy of Leftovers

Last year, I realized that I'd accumulated a TON of leftover items during Vegan MoFo. We're only halfway through this year's event, and I already feel like I'm overwhelmed with leftovers. Good thing I took my advice from last year and froze a lot of it. Three weeks from now I am in a wedding and feel I need to watch what I eat so I can fit into that awesome bridesmaid dress :)

Here's what's lurking in my fridge/freezer~

Do you who are participating feel like you're on top of a heaping pile of leftovers, clamoring to reach the end? I swear, I'm pretty set for baked goods through the rest of 2013. There's much more to come.

Past Vegan MoFo posts on this day:

VMF 2012 Day 16: One "Egg" Cake with Chocolate Frosting
VMF 2011 Day 16: Victory Shake!
VMF 2010 Day 16: Bollocks!


  1. You know, I have a refrigerator full of leftovers and it had not yet occurred to me to freeze them somehow. You are a genius!

  2. yes, mofo is a busy time in the kitchen, and the left overs can pile up pretty quickly! I hardly have any room left in the freezer!
